Hiding Certain Information from Facebook Friends The latest in technology news and trends

Hiding Certain Information from Facebook Friends

Facebook users enjoy connecting with others, they may not want some of their contacts to see the friends they have or the contacts on their account. In order to make friends not seen on a Facebook profile page, privacy settings must be adjusted. In order to do this you go through the following steps.
 So how is it done
1.Log into your facebook account.

2.Click on the “Account” tab on the upper right corner of the Facebook page.

3. select “Privacy Settings”

4. Select “Customize Settings,” a little link that has a pencil icon. You see the following
Hide YYYY – This is available for Facebook applications and allows the user to block them from showing up on his/her news feed (Where YYYY stands for the application title).

Hiding Posts From Facebook Friends/Pages/Applications from News Feed
Click this “X” and a small drop down list will appear with different options for hiding messages from friends. 
Hide this post – Selection of this will simply hide a single post from your news feed. Contacts will be unable to view the user’s news feed (although news feeds may still be read it on the contact’s profile wall).
Hide all by YYYY – This option will remove or no longer display all the messages or updates made by the contact that you select (Where YYYY stands for the contact name). In order for the user to regain posts on his/her news feed, the user will have to edit the news feed options.

Unlike Page – This is available for pages that the user “liked” and allows the user to unlike and remove them from their news feed if they so wish.

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