How To Share Internet Connection Via Wi-Fi On Mac The latest in technology news and trends

How To Share Internet Connection Via Wi-Fi On Mac

If you have internet connection on your Mac computer, you can share the same connection with another devices using ad-hoc Wi-Fi internet sharing.Below is the step-by-step illustrated instructions which will allow your Mac computer to act as an WiFi router, Wi-Fi internet sharing capability comes built-in with Mac OS X and no additional software needs to be installed - the internet sharing feature just needs to get activated as shown ahead

Internet Sharing


1.Click and open your Mac System Preference
2. Click the "Sharing" button from Internet and Wireless

3. click the "Internet Sharing" check-box and make sure you select options as per you configuration, for example in the screen-shot shared below we are allowing the Ethernet connection to get shared via AirPort/WiFi and IPhones USB.

4.Once allowed and configured the on-screen "Internet Sharing : On" status light will turn green, and your mac will be visible to all in-range WiFi devices with internet sharing enabled.

Now your Mac is acting as an wireless internet router, enjoy it

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