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The only difference between the rich and the poor is just information.Don't use anyone or anything in your life as an excuse for not achieving your goal.Chase your dreams like there is no tomorrow or you'll never catch them. Make the decision and commitment to ACT You will more than likely realise that there is no better time than RIGHT TO CHANGE your life. Life is so sweet if you make the right decision. We are organising 2-days intensive training on very lucrative products.

A Tour to Four Regions in Ghana and Burkina Faso at GHC 205

If the mountains failed go to Prophet, the Prophet must go to the mountains, likewise the Teacher's mother association-Ghana national Association of Teachers(GNAT). If the GNAT-national can't orgainise any social activities for it's members the district secretariats are orgainsing their social activites at district levels. Asante Akim south-Juaso in collaboration with Assnte Akim north-Konongo is orgainsing 3-day educational tirp to FOUR regions in Ghana and one site in Burkina Faso-Dakola.

How to Manually Change Network Setting from Edge to 3G on your Phone

After the publication about how to change network setting from edge  to 3G,3.5G and 3.7G on the modem. This blog reader called to find out how he could change the network on the phone rmanually/automatically. Having the 3G on your phone ensre that you achieve high internet speed. Imagine having data of 200 kbit/s what you can't you do online. 

How to Resize your Photo to Meet Requirement for USA DV-Lottery

Just recently I published let register for USA 2016  diversity visa program. Every year you register but you don't win so you don't want to waste your time registering again. I wouldn't begrudge you not to register again but I want share with you one assured way you can win. Mind you I'm not worker in the ambassey. A client of mine used the steps and won. Picture resizing is one of  the requirements and failing to meet it you wouldn't be selected.

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