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How to Make Konga ads authomatically rotate it's images on your Website/Blog is online market portal which sells all sort of products ranging from fashion to electronics, just to talk of few. As a blogger you should have diiferent sources of income generating not relying mainly on adsense. You can sign up for online affilitate which pays you a commssion for evey referal and sales from your referal links

Let your Smart Phone Make Money for you

We always complain of not being employed by government or businesses.We do blame individuals and government for such unemployment problems. Quite good for us to be blaming the government for such owes and mess because our institutions especially universities don't teach us how to fend for ourselves but be a bedden on others. We were taught by these so-called universities how to attain big certificates that we can boost but eight-year old chinese will shit on it. I am going introduce to you some business ideas. Never think am MISER or COLO you just adopt and sky will be your step to billionaire.

How to Use Mobile phone as Remote Control for Youtube on Laptop

Imagine  using your phone as remote control  to control Youtube videos on your laptop. Woah what a trick.You can actually use your mobile phone for controlling Youtube videos played on your laptop without installing any apps or linking via any network. I want teach sneaky tricky about how to use your mobile phone as a remote control for watching youtube videos on laptop or TV.

How to Request for Salary Advance from your Salary Every Month

This kind of innovation will help workers who usually go for OVER DRAFT popularly called Salary Advance in the middle of the month from their mother banks will be a thing of past. Just recently I shared a post with you about how to get 40% of your monthly salary advance before month ends.I want share with how you can subscribe.

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