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How to Import Car from USA and Canada to Ghana with Financial Assistance

Auction Export is a one-stop shop for car dealers who are interested in the North American auto market.You can purchase online right in the comfort of your home.When your purchase the car it is ship to your doorstep. You can walk into any stanbic bank and deposit the money.
Visit and find thousands of vehicles available for sale.Auction Expert are offering you a better business solution in buying your vehicles from the USA and Canada

How to Clear your Business Cheque in the Same Day

Cheques are the most patronised non-cash forms of payment in Ghana, with about 96.8 billion cedis worth of it presented last year. Even though it suffered some credibility issues in the past because of various reasons, subsequent reforms and rules have accounted for its huge usage in the country presently.Currently in Ghana ,you can clears on the same day, in fact, in four (4) hours. The electronic clearing of cheques, immediately removed the undue delay in clearing of cheques and therefore the safe haven for people who used cheques to dodge payments. 

How to Restore Dead Strong Decoder to Its Originality

Most of my blog readers always ask me how they would restore their dead decoder to its originality. In fact if your decoder has not been crash by any heavy object or fire then keep reading. There is way out to restore it. In this post two solutions  will be addressed one is how you can wake your dead or fried original strong decoders through pc and rs-232 cable.
But for those who have the genuine decoders, complete the instructions below on how you can wake up your dead strong decoder.

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