The latest in technology news and trends

How to Update your Teacher's Mutual Fund Records via Phone

I have been receiving calls  from teachers who are members of teacher fund (TF) of GNAT after I wrote article about how to check  mutual fund contribution on phone. Fortunately, mutual fund team have provided platform for members to update their record right from the comfort of their home on phone. With this platform members can update following profile email address, request for poss code, and increase contribution etc. 

How to Generate or Get E-payslip Registration Codes

Gone are the days where Government employees had to struggle for E-payslip registration codes, I mean paying for it is over. The Controller Accountant General Department (CAGD) has decentralized the generation of registration Codes for new registrations on the E-Payslip system. E-Payslip registration codes can now be given to employees by their Heads of Units through the ESPV system. Any employee who want to register on the E-Payslip system should contact their Heads of Management Unit precisely those responsible for their ESPV validation and ask for E-Payslip registration Code. NOT FOR SALE

Download 101 Cheap Importation PDF

It time to let the cat out of the box for my blog readers to start selling some products online to generate some cash.  There are two kinds of professionals in the world — the ones who just work hard, and the others who work hard and work smart. The greatest level of success comes to the people who find a balance between hard work and smart work. This is certainly true in the world of internet surfing. There are those who are unemployed but spend the whole time in the world surfing the net just to share funny photos, there are other who make 100% profit from surfing the net just like am doing . It is up to find the balance between these two professionals, which group do you belong.In fact, you will make 100%, if not 200%  profit from every import you make

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