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Best Top Ways to Use Facebook to Create Permanent Business Opportunities for for Yourself

 I had Facebook friend request from someone so I try to accept it but it wasn't going through. Later pop up window displaying "you have reached 5000 limit so delete to accept new friends". Truly and truly I deleted  one dormant friend before Facebook allowed me to add new friend. The question that click my mind was how do I use this 5000 active and inactive friends to my advantage and world as a whole. A lot of  ideas pop up and I implemented few of them and has hugely paid off. In this post, I will discuss with you how I used 5000 Facebook friends to my advantage.   I bet you,  you will start implementing  by the time you finish reading. I don't expect you go complaining being unemployed by the time get to the end of this post.

Unique Way to Pay for DSTV and GOTV Bills from comfort of Home

In fact, God will bless who introduced technology into this world, it has made working-sphere more convenient and efficient. I pray that Africa wouldn't be only end user alone. Hey writer you are diverting from  today's topic, hmmm no be me ooo just that Africa is far behind technology. In this post, I will walk you through how to pay for your DSTV, GOTV etc bills via MOMO in comfort of your home.

Seven Ways to Start a Business Without Quitting Your Job

The wisdom in starting your business small but smart.One of the most frightening days of my life was the day I quit my job and officially became an entrepreneur.  There were no more steady paychecks, no more health insurance or retirement plans. No more days off for being sick or paid vacations.
 Worst of all, I did not know how long it would be before I would have another steady paycheck. Very often, it is this very fear of not having a steady income that holds most people back from starting a business. Perhaps you've faced this fear yourself.

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