How to Get Employment that Pays GHS 1000 per Month as Salary in Ghana The latest in technology news and trends

How to Get Employment that Pays GHS 1000 per Month as Salary in Ghana

Good news for our teaming youth who are unemployed a company is recruiting workers for estate developer in Ghana. Manhole Technology is a biogas plant construction company. The company designs and constructs bio-gas plants around the globeManhole Technology is specialize in the provision of appropriate waste management systems that process organic waste into useful energy and nitrogen-rich plant fertilizer.  Manhole Technology has got contract from estate developers to design and construct bio-gas plant for their clients. As a result  is recruiting workers to be trained and sent to these sites to take up two-year contract work instantly.
In fact, the cost of training is been reduced to GHS 150 instead of GHS 1800 as result this contract . You can decide not to take up a contract after two years-work on your own. You don't need a special academic qualification to be recruited -just your ability to worker.

                       How Do I Get Recruited     
==> Pick up a registration form
==> Pay GHS 150
==> Only Fifty(50) slots are left. Rush for your slot

               What Do I Stand to Gain After My Training
==> You get instant two-year working contract
==> You earn One Thousand Cedis( GHS 1000) monthly as salary
==> You can renew your contract after two years or quit 

Mobile Phone 0246456667
Facebook. victor kutufam
Skype ID; victor.kutufam2 
Email; vkutufam @

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